Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Sacred Connection Between Creativity and Your Soul

One of the most profound ways of knowing that you're in contact with your soul is through the act of creating something. This is why when we see a pregnant woman most of us feel a kind of reverence for her – we know that she is in a sacred state of creation. There is an aura around her that encourages a kind of amazement. She is living a soulful, spiritual and creative experience. When we see a great work of art such as Michael Angelo’s, David, most of us feel a sense of soul within that work too. When I watched the recent Opening Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics I felt the hearts and souls of the thousands it took to put on that showcase of Chinese ingenuity. The creativity was awe-inspiring and I felt the collective soul of the Chinese people that night watching it

Now we don’t have to create an Olympic Opening Ceremony or sculpt a David or even have a baby to be creative and in touch with our souls. Everyone is creative by nature and with a little nurture can be even more so. Most of us are a lot more creative than we give ourselves credit for and therefore a lot more in touch with our souls than we may think. The act of creation is all around us – new ideas, new ways of doing things and new solutions to old problems are happening at the speed of light. Look around you and take note of all the creations you see. Then take a look at your own life and make pay attention to your own creations.

Any time you take raw materials, whether they are tangible or intangible, and make something new, you are being creative. Any time you solve a problem in a new way, you are being creative. Any time you plan an event and see it through to completion you are being creative. Anytime you change the way you think of something or someone and you have a different response, you are being creative. Any time you chose to do something you have not done before, you are being creative. Any time you take a risk, or choose to learn something new, you are being creative. And of course any time you create something of beauty such as a work of art, a piece of prose or poetry, a lovely decorated room, a delicious meal, a craft, a home or building, a garden or any number things in the traditional sense of art, you are being creative.

If you would like to be more creative – to access the creative aspect of your soul in a more conscious, more nurturing and direct way below are some tips to help you get started:

Take yourself on an Beauty Date - a specific time once a week where you go alone to see and experience something you consider beautiful and has the potential to ignite your creative soul

Ask yourself before you begin a project, even housework or some task in your job - how could I do this in a more creative way? How could I bring beauty to this endeavor?

Begin to use creativity when dealing with your relationships – whether children, spouses, friend or co-workers – ask yourself – how could I use creativity to make this situation come out better and more positively?

If you long to paint, sculpt, write, do crafts or build something – begin a process of allowing time for this in your life. Find others of like mind and connect with them.

Make note of your creative endeavors and creative solutions each night when you have dinner with your family or even just with yourself if you are single - ask the question – how was I/you creative today?

Begin a creativity journal where you write about your desire to be more creative. Pay attention to your dreams and record them in your journal and make note here where you are already doiing things in a creative way.

Remember, we are all creative by nature and simply need to listen and pay attention to our soul urges – once we do, all kinds of glorious and creative things begin to happen.

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